Keystone Building XML: based Web Applications 英文光碟正式版(3片裝)
Keystone Building XML: based Web Applications 英文光碟正式版(3片裝)
Keystone 公司:建立XML平台的 Web 應用程式實作教學,一次三片,不囉嗦,讓你一
次學完 Keystone公司所推出的教育系列軟體一向是學習電腦所不可以或缺的重要
市價:新台幣 16798元(美金:479.95元)。
Course Description
This KeyStone course will help developers learn structure and validate
data in a document by using document type definitions (DTDs), and learn
how to get data from a database using XML and how to present that data
using XSL.
Detailed Course Outlines:
Level 1
1.0 An Overview of the eXtensible Markup Language
1.1 History
1.2 Why XML Now: Goals
1.3 XML vs. HTML
1.5 The W3C Standards Process
1.6 XML Parsers
1.7 XML Documents
1.8 XML Validation Issues
1.9 XML as EDI
2.0 Allied XML Technologies
2.1 XML Technologies Overview
2.2 Dynamic HTML (DHTML)
2.3 Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
2.4 eXtensible Style Language (XSL)
Transformations (XSLT)
2.5 Data Binding in Internet Explorer
XML Data Islands
HTML / XML Integration
2.6 The Microsoft Document
Object Model (DOM)
Object Instantiation
XML Documents in the DOM
DOM Node Manipulations
2.7 Validation in XML
Well-Formed XML
DTD Validation
Schema Validation
Business Repositories
2.8 The Business Case for XML
3.0 The XML Document
3.1 Prolog
3.2 Document Element
3.3 Non-Root Elements
3.4 Define Namespaces
3.5 XML Predefined Entities
3.6 Special Processing Instructions (pi)
3.7 Text Considerations
3.9 Verifying with a Well-formedness Parser
Level 2
1.0 nTier Development Capsule
1.1 Development of nTier
1.2 Business Rules and Data Services
1.3 Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP)
1.4 Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO)
2.0 The eXtensible Style Language (XSL)
2.1 XSL vs. CSS
2.2 Transformations (XSLT)
2.3 XSL Templates
2.4 XSL Filters
2.5 XSL Sorting
2.6 Control-of-Flow and Decision-Making Constructs
2.7 Looping in XML
2.8 Creating & Updating Elements/Attributes
3.0 HTML/XML Integration
3.1 Presentation
3.2 Content / Context
3.3 Data Binding Concepts
3.4 Intrinsic HTML Controls
3.5 Data Islands
Level 3
1.0 XML and the DOM: Client Side
1.1 What is a DOM?
1.2 Other Programmatic Approaches
1.3 The DOM Tree
1.4 XSL Transformations
2.0 XML Applications
2.1 Generating XML on the Client
2.2 Sending XML to the Server
2.3 Manipulating the XML Document with Server Side DOM
2.4 Validating Programmatically
2.5 Persisting XML as a File Object/Stream Object
2.6 Utilizing the Response Object
3.0 XML Validation Concepts
3.1 Well-Formed XML
3.2 DTD Limitations
3.3 Schema/Data Reduced Schema
3.4 Validation
3.5 Schema Repositories
4.0 Microsoft Data Reduced Schema
4.1 Schema Declaration
4.2 Shema Comments
4.3 Element Definitions
4.4 Element Data Typing
4.5 Element Implementation
4.6 Attribute Implementation
4.7 Schema Implementation
4.8 ParseError Object